槿的部首为木,所以槿字的五行属性为木 汉字解析 读音jǐn、jiù 部首木 笔画10 五笔SYNQ 繁体槿 结构上下结构 五行木 五笔SFYN 基本释义 [ jǐn ] 1.〔木槿〕落叶灌木或小乔木,夏季开花,花色有白、红、紫等,很美丽,花期不长,即凋谢。果实椭圆形,可以充饥。花和枝叶可药用。 2.喻时间短暂:来~去匆匆。 [ jiù ] 古书上说的木槿树。 相关词组 绿槿、朱槿、槿篱、火槿、荆槿、青槿、朝生暮死、槿荣、槿户、山槿、桐槿、槿局、朝华暮槿、槿闱、烟槿、柘枝槿 汉译英
1.[ jin] (of plants) have many branches and leaves but no roots; a deciduous shrub with pretty blossoms that comes back each year, as the wild honeysuckle or the camphor tree
2.[ jiu] an evergreen bush of tropical America whose flowers, with bright colors from red to purple, are used in ornamentals and also in food 同义词:sabal palm 例句
1.The garden is decorated by various kinds of flower beds, like rose, jasmine, chrysanthemum and so on. 庭院内种植各种花卉,有月季、扶桑、菊花等。
2.My parents had planted some jasmine along both sides of the path for us when we started out on our honeymoon. 我父母在我们度蜜月时在我们俩的小径旁种了些茉莉花。 3.Jasmine means 'fragrant' in Chinese. 茉莉的意思就是“香”。
4.She wanted me to water her roses, trim her hibiscus bushes and pick fresh-picked jasmine for breakfast tea. 她想要我给她浇水,修剪她的黄槿树丛以及摘新鲜的茉莉花做早茶。
5.I was just about to cut down those beautiful jasmine which were growing over my wall! 你看那爬在我墙上的那些美丽的茉莉花,我就要把它们砍掉!